Just say YES – Youth Excellence on Stage Academy shapes up for 2012 performing arts program

16 April of 2012 by

Duhok, July 1-12

The Yes Academy’s annual 12-day performing arts festival will kick off in Duhok on July 1, with a panoply of concerts and workshops for young artists.

Hosted by the non-profit organization American Voices, the Academy’s sixth consecutive festival, bringing together more than 300 participants from across Iraq, places strong emphasis on teacher training, youth leadership and curriculum development.

American universities such as St. Louis University, Baylor University and East Carolina University have joined forces with performers from Broadway theaters and the U.S. Hip Hop crews such as HaviKoro of Houston to put together intensive workshops culminating in public performances on July 11 and 12.

The focus of the YES Academy is broad: classical music (strings, piano, woodwinds, composition, arranging) theater, hip hop dance, jazz and rock – with technical and teacher training classes for most styles and instruments. Some additions to the 2012 program’s latest additions include short courses in rock and heavy metal bands; classes in composition, arranging and music theory and teacher training in string instruments and children’s theater.

All of the performing arts classes are free, and accommodation is available for students from outside Duhok, but places are limited so register now if you’d like to take part.

For more information, visit www.yesacademy.info/yesiraq

Alternatively, contact John Ferguson john.ferguson@americanvoices.org, or Paul Rockower: Paul.Rockower@americanvoices.org

Tel. 0750 827 1215 – 0750 827 1216 or +1 281 668 4664


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